In our new publication we report a unique observation of non-conventional twins in 10M modulated Ni-Mn-Ga martensite. The non-conventional twinning system, i.e. the twinning where neither the shearing vector nor the twinning plane has rational indices, was previously predicted theoretically, but never experimentally observed for any material undergoing a first-order martensitic transition. The twinning system was observed by SEM and TEM techniques and identifieded by the calculations of the angles between the individual twinning planes using the mathematical theory of martensitic microstructures.
H. Seiner, R. Chulist , W. Maziarz , A. Sozinov , O. Heczko , L. Straka, Non-conventional twins in five-layer modulated Ni-Mn-Ga martensite, Scripta Materialia 162 (2019) 497-502;