Overview of the action

Overview of the action is given in the following figure. The key project inputs are recent findings of the fellow and collaborators on magnetic and mechanical hysteresis which enable the novel functionality. Pursuing the project objectives will bring these outputs:

Project details

The project is run at the Department of Functional Materials ( http://ofm.fzu.cz ) at the Institute of Physics of Czech Academy of Sciences http://www.fzu.cz/en. Start date is: 1/3/2017 End date is: 28/2/2019 Project coordinator is Dr. Oleg Heczko, head of

Contact details

Project fellow: Ladislav Straka D. Sc. (Tech.) Na Slovance 1999/2 182 21 Praha 8 Czech Republic Email:firstname.surname@fzu.cz Project coordinator: Dr. Oleg Heczko Na Slovance 1999/2 182 21 Praha 8 Czech Republic Email:surname@fzu.cz