
Research objectives: The general aim is to build a comprehensive understanding of the novel functionality of MSMAs resulting from enlarged MAH and to confirm it experimentally. We want to: Objective O1 – Identify the causes of enlarged MAH in Ni-Mn-Ga(-B)


Project publications 9. R. Chulist, L. Straka, H. Seiner, A. Sozinov, N. Schell, T. Tokarski, Branching of {110) twin boundaries in five-layered Ni-Mn-Ga bent single crystals, Materials & Design 171 (2019) 107703, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matdes.2019.107703 8. L. Straka, L. Fekete, M. Rameš,


Welcome to the public webpage of FUNMAH project! My name is Ladislav Straka and I became Marie Skłodowska Curie Research Fellow for 2017-2018. Within this fellowship I run the project FUNMAH: Novel FUNctionality of Magnetic Shape Memory Alloys by MAgnetic

Novel functionality resulting from magnetic hysteresis

Magnetic hysteresis (MAH) or coercivity is typically small in Ni-Mn-Ga-based MSMAs. However, very recently the fellow and his collaborators showed that MAH can be enlarged by boron doping and heat treatment, without increasing significantly the mechanical hysteresis1. They further showed

State of the art

A proof-of-concept experiment has been published showing that the novel functionality by enlarged MAH is possible. However, the reported MAH was not large enough to show the entire novel functionality (all the possible effects) and the full potential of new

Mechanical hysteresis

Mechanical hysteresis (MEH):  The magnetically induced reorientation (MIR) and MIR-related functionality is mediated by the motion of martensite twin boundaries, which is inevitably accompanied by mechanical hysteresis. A so-called twinning stress is a direct quantitative measure of MEH. The functionality

Magnetic shape memory (MSM) alloys

Magnetic shape memory alloys (MSMAs) are a special kind of shape memory alloys (SMAs), in which the ferroelastic martensite microstructure is coupled to a ferromagnetic microstructure [1]. Such coupling enables unique magneto-mechanical effects and functionality in which martensitic phase transformation

Shape memory alloys (SMA)

Shape memory alloys (SMAs) are smart materials that have drawn significant attention and interest in a broad range of commercial applications in recent years; this commercial development has been enabled by basic and applied research. The estimated global market of